Enquire NowIntroducing Carbon Offset
Harp BioDigesters reduce and eliminate harmful GHG emissions by limiting the oxidation of carbon during our proprietary waste conversion process, and by sequestering the carbon in the resulting soil product(s).
We not only reduce waste volume and sequester carbon, but we also reduce waste transportation and the overall real estate area needed for landfills (or compost areas).
We can thus provide an opportunity for our company and our customers to obtain carbon offset credits.
What are Carbon Offsets?
Carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can create a greenhouse effect when they are released into the atmosphere. Excessive amounts of these gases can disrupt the earth’s natural energy balance, and create abnormal, and potentially harmful, changes in the global environment. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are typically emitted during activities that generate or use energy.
The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory list includes:
* Carbon dioxide (CO2)
* Methane (CH4)
* Nitrous oxide (N2O)
* Perfluorocarbons (PFC)
* Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
* Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
A carbon offset is the act of mitigating emissions of carbon gases made in one area to compensate for an emission made elsewhere. Carbon offsets are measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (MTCO2E). One ton of carbon offset represents the reduction of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
Markets for Carbon Offsets
There are two types of markets for carbon offsets: compliance and voluntary. In compliance markets like the European Union (EU) Emission Trading Scheme, companies, governments, or other entities buy carbon offsets in order to comply with mandatory and legally binding caps on the total amount of carbon dioxide they are allowed to emit per year. Failure to comply with these mandatory caps within compliance markets results in fines or legal penalty.
In voluntary markets, demand for carbon offset credits is generated by individuals, companies, and organizations that purchase carbon offsets to mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions, and to meet carbon neutral, net-zero or other established emission reduction goals. The voluntary carbon market is facilitated by certification programs (e.g., the Verified Carbon Standard, the Gold Standard, the Climate Action Reserve) which provide standards, guidance, and establish requirements for project developers to follow in order to generate and monetize carbon offset credits.
Harp Carbon Offset Solutions
Harp Biodigesters can help solve a major global environmental problem in the treatment of organic waste. Our technology provides significant, positive environmental impacts by eliminating food waste to landfills, sequestering carbon, reducing waste transport, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, and preventing the release of greenhouse gases (GHG)
Please contact our Zero Waste Specialist, Henry McNamara, to learn more about our carbon offset solutions!
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